I have a knee injury nagging me since the Cary half marathon.
I have been swimming a lot and riding on the trainer for an hour.
The doc said to take it easy but thats up to interpretation if you ask me.
Last year I bought a new tri-bike and it was carbon and rode like the wind.
This year I did not look forward to jumping on my old giant bike with junky components.
I poured on the latin charm and my wife agreed to buy me a cheap bike for my b-day and anniversary.
In return I have hired a personal chef to come in and cook us an anniversary dinner.
Its a surprise and she is going to love it. Back to the topic at hand, bikes.
I ask my local bike guy about a cheap carbon bike and he give some recommendation.
He tells me to at least get Ultegra components. He also informs me of the various types of carbon.
Basically you get what you pay for. I find a deal at bike performance and what sold me is they give you points on every purchase. So I pay the bike and I am able to get the wide Sidi shoes I need for free. It was still less than I was expecting to pay. I almost traded my giant in at a different bike store but they did not want to give me what I wanted.
Every warm day I can get the bike out I am there. I had to wipe her down real good because there was still salt on the ground. This past week I rode Saturday and Sunday, it was great.
I took it easy on Saturday working on my base and enjoying the warm weather without a group of riders dictating the pace for me. Sunday was fun too, it was a small group but fun.
We head out our usual route and the fast guys decided we were going up the madison hill.
I jumped on the big gear to get momentum and powered up the hill. It was as hard as I recall it to be. Forget about zone 2 or 3.
We bumped into other friends at Water Fall Glen. We also took a potty break of course. I was hoping to continue but many only had planned on a 2 hour ride.
Which only gave us 30 miles. In any case it was fun and can't wait for warm weather to take out the new bike.
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